Subhanallah . Alhamdulillah . Allahuakhbar

i Me and Myself

PRINSHESSY FARHANA?? hehe..dun sedar :p

Yep..Think It is relevant for me to tell bout maSelf & maLife..

~I’m Just an Ordinary gurl..i like being SINGLE (ok,something wrong with me):p..also like having many Friends around me..have fun with them & Laughing more for stress relief..

~Honestly, I’m Susceptible with Muslimah Fashion Trends..& I’m just a girl who can’t say “NO” to SHOPPING!! (Ya Rabbi..hindari diriku dari bersifat BOROS)..think that i need any tips bout how to go shopping without spending any money..huh!

~Me also Obsessed with chocolate & Ice cream or any kind of food made with chocolate (chocolate cake, London almond cookies & etc..) Even always remind myself to stop eating chocolate but i think i’m addicted! Gud kan?! :P

~I like Singing when i’m lonely..but not in front of well least i’m still aware that i have a bad voice..hehe..But i dun understand myself..My Voice is not nice, but i’m still singing..xkenal erti putus asa bukan? Proud of me! Hahahah!

~Can u believe? I’m in the process of gaining Weight..serious! Sometimes i feel down becoz of my thin body..I’m just worried being very thin L Just Pray & Doa for my body to b Healthy..Amin..and i am thankful for the gift that God gave me (:

Well, dat’s a Little bit Bout Me..

ThaNks for Reading yaa~~(: